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NACTA Journal Archive (Vol 65 and older)
Vol. 68 No. 1 (2024): Volume 68
Vol. 68 No. 1 (2024): Volume 68
High School Students’ Motivation Regarding an Integrated STEM Food System Project
Sarah Thies, Neil Knobloch, Hui-Hui Wang, Bryanna Nelson
Attitudes Toward LGBTQ+ Youth in Agricultural Education: Q Methodology Study
Tyler Price, Angel Riggs, Diane Montgomery
Factors Influencing Students’ Decisions to Engage in International Education Opportunities Post-COVID
Ali Wooten, Gary Wingenbach
Agricultural and Non-Agricultural College Students' Attitudes Towards Undocumented Migration
Pablo Lamino, Carlos Duran Gabela, Renzo Ceme Vinces, Amy Boren-Alpízar
Leveraging Brokers and Social Learning to Support Post-Pandemic Leadership Learning
Haley Traini, Natalie Baumgartner, Jonathan Velez
Virtual Soil Science Laboratory Sessions: Delivery and Student Perceptions
Glenn Arthur Garcia, Sergio Abit, Jason Warren
Implementing an S/U Undergraduate Research Course in a College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Wendy Dahl, Amanda Ford, Allen Wysocki
Student Perceptions of DEI in Conservation: An Assessment of an Undergraduate Course
Nia Morales, Benjamin Lowe, Keara Clancy
Study Abroad Programs and Student Stress: An Animal Science Curriculum Case Study
Jayden Lawrence, Michael Barrowclough, Drew Lugar
Impacts of Intentional Team Formation on Learning in Online and Face-to-Face Environments
Misti Sharp, Marcillo Yepez
Serving to Learn: Increasing Agriculture Students Self-Efficacy Through Service-Learning
Jason McKibben, Amanda Hyjeck, Chris Clemons, Garrett Hancock, Ashley Yopp
Identification of Educational Gaps in Data Science Training Across Agricultural Genomics
Gabriella Roby Dodd, Cedric Gondro, Tasia M. Taxis, Margaret Young, Breno Fragomeni
Outcome-Based Use of Simulation in Agricultural Sciences: A Systematic Literature Review
Anjorin Adeyemi, Shuai Ma, Xu Zhihong, Rafael Quijada-Landaverde
Gendered Differences in Acknowledgements for Doctoral Advisors at a Land-Grant University
Carolyn Copenheaver, Thomas Meacham, Bryan Black
Developing a Gain-in-research-ability Test to Navigate and Assess Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences
Zhiyong Cheng, Kate Marris
Community College Transfer Students’ Agricultural Career Decision Making
Gabrielle Whorley, Joseph L. Donaldson, Misty D. Lambert, Wendy Warner
Exploring Graduate Students’ Experiences in a College of Agriculture
Shayne White, Dr. Courtney Meyers, Dr. Christy Bratcher
New Beginnings: Exploring Agricultural Communications Curriculum Development in Ontario
Madison Dyment, Annie Specht, Emily Buck
A Paradigm Shift Toward Systems Thinking in Colleges of Agriculture
Katrina Alford, Nicole Stedman, JC Bunch, Shirley Baker, Grady Roberts
Factors Influencing Undergraduate Students Toward Choosing a New Course
Wendy Dahl, Katrina Alford, Daniela Rivero-Mendoza, Melissa Moreno, Sruthy Emmanuel, Gabrielle Gorwitz
Equine Laboratory Performance Measures: Does Self-Reporting Assessments Reflect Student Skill Development?
Equine Laboratory Student Performance Measures
Ashley Stork, Samantha Lee, Katie Holtcamp, Molly Nicodemus, Clay Cavinder, Amanda Stone, Holly Evans, Avery Walters, Alicia Gilmore, Toree Williams
Students’ Perceptions of Male and Female Post-Secondary Agricultural Mechanics Welding Instructors
Kjersti Decker, Michael Pate, Tyson Sorensen, Michelle Burrows, Katie Kraus, Don Edgar
Does Autonomy Improve Satisfaction and Performance? A Case on Learner Choice
Clay Hurdle, Laura Greenhaw, Rachel Biderman
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