A Paradigm Shift Toward Systems Thinking in Colleges of Agriculture


  • Katrina Alford
  • Nicole Stedman
  • JC Bunch
  • Shirley Baker
  • Grady Roberts University of Florida




problem solving, systems thinking, models, teaching


The world of the 21st Century is a world that is constantly changing. New approaches to higher education need to be considered so graduates can adapt to an increasingly complex world. This article will discuss why and how systems thinking can be developed and utilized in colleges of agriculture. Based on a thorough review of the literature, we propose two new models to advance systems thinking in colleges of agriculture. The first model demonstrates potential outcomes that may occur when matching a learner’s level of conceptualization to the type of problem they are addressing. The second model shows how systems thinking skills should be incorporated into the curriculum via experiential learning to assist individuals in their progression of systems thinking growth. Recommendations for practice and additional research are provided.


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How to Cite

Alford, K., Stedman, N., Bunch, J., Baker, S., & Roberts, G. (2024). A Paradigm Shift Toward Systems Thinking in Colleges of Agriculture. NACTA Journal, 68(1). https://doi.org/10.56103/nactaj.v68i1.190


