Factors Influencing Students’ Decisions to Engage in International Education Opportunities Post-COVID





Information sources, messaging cues, advertisements


International education opportunities are vital to students’ personal, professional, and educational development. Pre-COVID era research has found that students seek to participate in international education to learn about other cultures, enhance career development, gain world enlightenment, attain personal growth, or for leisure. However, minimal research exists about students’ decision-making factors to engage in international education opportunities post-COVID. The purpose of this study was to examine selected students’ preferred information sources, cues, and perceived challenges that influenced decisions to engage in international education opportunities post-COVID. Descriptive survey methods with a cross-sectional research design were used to gather data on students’ perceptions of international education opportunities. Respondents’ most preferred sources to learn more about international education opportunities were social media (university sites), friends, and academic advisors. Messaging cues that most attracted students’ attention were affordability, personal growth, and learning about another culture. Financial challenges, foreign language skills, and safety (in-country travel, diet, politics) were perceived as the most difficult challenges when deciding to engage in international education opportunities. Universities should make concentrated efforts to use targeted advertising through strategically identified sources and prioritized messaging cues that attract students’ attention and assuage their concerns about engaging in international educational opportunities.


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How to Cite

Wooten, A., & Wingenbach, G. (2024). Factors Influencing Students’ Decisions to Engage in International Education Opportunities Post-COVID. NACTA Journal, 68(1). https://doi.org/10.56103/nactaj.v68i1.164


