What Skills and Experiences Get Agricultural Communications Students Hired: An Industry Perspective





Soft skills, Agricultural communications, Resumes, Salary


Preparing students for career success is a common goal across higher education. Yet, despite this long-standing goal, many recent graduates, including graduates from agricultural communications and journalism degree programs, are ill-prepared for career success. Thus, we surveyed agricultural communications and journalism employers (n = 45) to identify what skills and characteristics presented on students’ résumés are most influential when employers make hiring decisions for entry-level agricultural communications positions. We found that students pursuing a career in agricultural communications and journalism need to prioritize experiences (e.g., courses, paid positions, extracurricular experiences, professional development activities) that directly impact their ability to develop strong communication skills (specifically developing skills in critical listening and creating accurate and concise content), make decisions based on evidence, and solve complex problems facing the communication profession. Additionally, to increase potential earnings, students should ensure that their communication and decision making/problem solving skills are above average and that they emphasize learning how to communicate accurately and concisely.


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How to Cite

Madalynn Kainer, & Holli Leggette. (2023). What Skills and Experiences Get Agricultural Communications Students Hired: An Industry Perspective. NACTA Journal, 67(1). https://doi.org/10.56103/nactaj.v67i1.98


