Undergraduate Student Perceptions of Cooperative Discussion Groups as a Classroom Engagement Tool
cooperative, discussion, teaching philosophy developmentAbstract
The purpose of this project was to explore the experiences of students when facilitating class discussions through cooperative discussion groups. In addition, students particularly compared their experiences within this class with their experiences in Whole Class Discussion in previous classes. Students participated in structured cooperative discussion groups and submitted three written answers to reflection prompts provided as an extra credit opportunity. Based on the written answers (n = 11), select participants (n = 4) were purposively chosen for a semi-structured interview. Upon analysis of the data, five themes arose that described what students took away from this teaching method. Among these themes include how student groups facilitated collaboration among peers, deepened understanding of course materials, and allowed students to reflect on not only their own past experiences but those of their classmates as well. The researchers encourage instructors to consider using this teaching method as they approach curricula that either includes the development of individual philosophies or class sessions where it would be valuable for students to listen to their classmates’ experiences.
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