Visual Modeling as a Pedagogical Strategy in a Nutritional Physiology Animal Science Course



Visual modeling, model-based reasoning, functional diagram, dual coding theory, drawing-to-learn


Nutritional physiology includes a number of complex biological and biochemical processes that can be difficult for students to grasp. It is our belief that students’ ability to visually model and explain these processes will increase understanding, retention of knowledge, and their ability to integrate and apply complex nutritional concepts. Creating visual models as a tool for learning has been used extensively in courses like physics and chemistry, but is underutilized as a science process skill in biological sciences. Creation of visual models helps to make learning visible and to simplify complex concepts. Drawing-to-learn could have great utility in describing and deepening comprehension of physiological processes like nutrient digestion and utilization. A learning activity was prepared where students created hand-drawn diagrams of nutrient digestion, absorption, and basic utilization to aid in understanding of course concepts. We evaluated the effectiveness of the learning activity through reflections and Likert scale surveys. Creating visual models of nutrient digestion increased student confidence in explaining complex nutritional processes and their ability to integrate and apply their knowledge appropriately. This activity was made more effective with the inclusion of a writing component that asked students to combine both visual and verbal cognitive processes to increase comprehension.


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How to Cite

Bowhay, C., Dunlap, K., Wickersham, T. ., & Donaldson, J. . (2023). Visual Modeling as a Pedagogical Strategy in a Nutritional Physiology Animal Science Course. NACTA Journal, 66(1). Retrieved from


