Agricultural Communication Students’ Media Writing Self-Perception in an Introductory Course
writing, self-efficacy, agricultural communication, education, self-perceptionAbstract
To be successful in the workforce agricultural communication students must develop strong writing skills. Students’ self-perception of their media writing plays a large role in both their success and satisfaction with their own writing and the writing process. In this study, students in an introductory agricultural communication course (n = 30) were administered a pre- and post-test survey based on the Media Writing Self-Perception instrument developed by Kuehn and Lingwall (2018). Students’ total media writing self-perception scores slightly increased between the pre- (M = 26.833) and post-tests (M = 28.100). This total score suggests that students had neither excessive confidence nor anxiety in their writing abilities. Educators in agricultural communication programs should use this research to offer students opportunities that will improve their writing self-efficacy, and in turn their Media Writing Self-Perception scores.
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