Strategies for Diversity & Inclusion

A Case Study of Faculty Decision Making


  • Byron Green PRX, Inc
  • Jacklyn Bruce NC State University
  • Katherine McKee NC State University
  • Joy Morgan NC State University
  • Harriett Edwards NC State University



HBCU, multicultural competence, faculty development


     The diversity of undergraduate students on college campuses across the country is increasing (Pope et al., 2014). In conjunction with this increase in diversity has been a rise in negative responses to that diversity, which in turn, causes decreased student satisfaction in the campus experience for those diverse student populations (Evans & D'Augelli, 1996; Evans & Rankin, 1998; Huntt et al., 2012; Seymour & Hewitt, 1997; Tonso, 1999). This increase in student diversity and decrease in student satisfaction has challenged universities to not only to support students, but also to create programs, design policies and procedures, and implement strategies and interventions that are culturally sensitive. The purpose of this case study is to provide insight into HBCU College of Agriculture (CoA) faculty experiences with diversity with a particular focus on why those HBCU CoA faculty chose to become multiculturally competent or not.


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How to Cite

Green, B., Bruce, J., McKee, K., Morgan, J., & Edwards, H. (2023). Strategies for Diversity & Inclusion: A Case Study of Faculty Decision Making. NACTA Journal, 66(1).


