Students’ Perception of Online Equine Courses and How It Affects Their Learning
Equine Science, Online Learning, Online Course DevelopmentAbstract
Courses that are typically hands-on, like equine science, may be more challenging online, but there is a higher demand for online offerings. With an increase in students taking online equine courses, a review of teaching methods was conducted to determine students' preferred teaching tools in online equine courses. The survey was sent out to students at approximately 10 universities that offer equine science courses online that had previously or were currently enrolled in an online equine-focused course and was completely voluntary. Of the 77 respondents, 71 (92%) were female, 6 (8%) males, and the majority (96%) white. The primary reasons students chose an online equine science course was because it fit their schedule better (n = 8; 24.5%) and the course was only offered online (n = 36; 23.2%). Students found videos (n = 62; 92.5%) and readings (n = 57; 85.1%) were extremely or somewhat beneficial teaching methods. Half (n = 34; 50.8%) of the students felt they learned as much in their online courses as in a traditionally taught course. Additionally, students indicated they received a quality education in equine science courses whether taught online (n = 55; 82.1%) or in a traditional in-person (n = 49; 73.1%) format.
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