Environmental Perception: A Comparison between Southwestern U.S. and Honduras Agricultural-related College Students





undergraduate, agriculture, perceptions, attitudes, environment


Understanding agricultural students' environmental perception is necessary to design meaningful interventions to enhance their environmental awareness. This study aims to understand and compare undergraduate students' environmental behavior and perceptions in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at a Southwestern United States (US) university and an agricultural university in Honduras (HN). The MANOVA and descriptive statistics show a large effect on the attitude-behavior relationship. Overall, HN students presented higher scores in attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions of environmental education at their university than students from the U.S. university. The most influential behavioral factors for students are financial incentives, friends, and people who take action.


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How to Cite

Millares, C. ., Lamiño Jaramillo, P., Trejos, B., Tabora Sarmiento, S., & Boren-Alpízar, A. . (2023). Environmental Perception: A Comparison between Southwestern U.S. and Honduras Agricultural-related College Students . NACTA Journal, 67(1). https://doi.org/10.56103/nactaj.v67i1.121


