Award Recipients’ Perceived Benefits of a PK-12 Engagement Awards Program


  • Sarah Thies Purdue University
  • Neil Knobloch Purdue University
  • Christine Wilson Purdue University
  • Ryan Kornegay United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture
  • Marcos Fernandez Purdue University



Higher education, PK-12 engagement, Awards and recognition


Faculty and staff in higher education are motivated to engage in college programs by different factors. Award programs can be a tool to engage faculty and staff in programs. This study described the perceived benefits of an engagement award that recognized faculty and staff that had excelled in outreach and program engagement. Data included quantitative scale items and qualitative open-ended response items from award recipients across the College of Agriculture. Award recipients reported benefits included increased overall perceived value of the PK-12 Engagement Program, increased recognition of their program excellence and impact, an increased dissemination of program activities and outcomes, career benefits, and networking opportunities. The funding that accompanied the award was reported to offer support for the program and development of the program. Findings of this study offer insightful information to guide the development of engagement awards for other programs.


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Author Biographies

Sarah Thies, Purdue University

Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication, Graduate Student

Neil Knobloch, Purdue University

Professor, Department of Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication

Christine Wilson, Purdue University

Associate Dean & Director of Academic Programs, Office of Academic Programs

Ryan Kornegay, United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Biological Science Specialist, Institute of Food Safety and Nutrition


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How to Cite

Thies, S., Knobloch, N., Wilson, C., Kornegay, R., & Fernandez, M. . (2023). Award Recipients’ Perceived Benefits of a PK-12 Engagement Awards Program. NACTA Journal, 67(1).


