Analyzing Talent Trends of Generation Z Students in College of Agriculture Classrooms
leadership, talent themes, generation zAbstract
Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, has taken over university classrooms. A sample of 592 U.S. Generation Z students enrolled in an agricultural leadership course was examined to determine if talent theme trends exist for the target population and how this information could enhance learning environments and agricultural education. The results indicate that the studied population have the signature talent themes of Achiever, Restorative, Empathy, Strategic, and Futuristic. Additionally, one substantial difference is that the Responsibility and Learner talent themes were sixteenth and eighteenth for the population in this study, respectively. At the same time, they were second and third in the Gallup Organization’s 2014 study. This difference may suggest a shift of Generation Z students in college of agriculture classrooms preferring outcomes in their education that can help them make an impact in the future over the learning process. A ranking of talent themes for the sample was determined, along with rankings based on sex. Significance was found that males were more likely to have one-or-more talents in the Influencing domain and two-or-more in the Strategic Thinking domain.
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