Learning to Navigate the Professional World: Soft Skill Teaching Scenarios for Graduate Students


  • Carly Anderson
  • Cheyenne Brodie-McAleister
  • Kathryn Chase
  • Hunter Goan
  • Anthony Gross
  • Jackson Jablonski
  • Yifan Jing
  • Samjhana Khanal
  • Larsen McBride
  • Patrick McLoughlin
  • Lindsay Mikell
  • Jena Osmani
  • Daniela Perez Lugones
  • Taylor Petrusha
  • Alejandra Sierra
  • Christy Suhendy
  • Sarah Tevlin
  • Elise Willis
  • Mengzi Zhang
  • Hector Perez University of Florida


active learning, case studies, professional development


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Center for Enhanced Teaching and Learning (CETL). n.d. Creating Effective Scenarios, Case Studies, and Role Plays. https://www.unbtls.ca/teachingtips/creatingeffectivescenarios.html. Teaching and Learning Services: Teaching Tips. University of New Brunswick. October 4, 2021.

Crawford, P. and Fink. W. 2020. From academia to the workforce: Critical growth areas for students today. Washington, D.C. Association of Public and Land-grant Universities.

Hart, J. 2019. How to write a case scenario. https://www.theclassroom.com/write-case-scenario-10025307.html. The Classroom. October, 4, 2021.

Pérez, H.E. 2005. What students can do to improve graduate education in Conservation Biology. Conservation Biology 19(6) 2033-2035 DOI: 10.1111/j.1523.1739.2005.00119.x.

Pérez, H.E. 2018. Enhancing vital non-technical workplace competencies for early career seed scientists. Seed Science Research 28(3) 182-185. DOI: 10.1017/S0960258518000120.

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How to Cite

Anderson, C., Brodie-McAleister, C., Chase, K., Goan, H., Gross, A., Jablonski, J., Jing, Y., Khanal, S., McBride, L., McLoughlin, P., Mikell, L., Osmani, J., Perez Lugones, D., Petrusha, T., Sierra, A., Suhendy, C., Tevlin, S., Willis, E., Zhang, M., & Perez, H. (2023). Learning to Navigate the Professional World: Soft Skill Teaching Scenarios for Graduate Students. NACTA Journal, 66(TT). Retrieved from https://nactajournal.org/index.php/nactaj/article/view/46



Teaching Tips